This whole thing is boiling down to simply yet another religious war. All the talk about freedom, free speech, etc. is just feelgood stuff and little else. There were mullahs actually in the marches. I listened to one of the teenage marchers deplore the fact that they had no leaders. At the same time the supreme leader, and his private army, the revolutionary guard (the ones with guns who are doing the killing), are out to move the population back into doing god's will. If they do not then they will being down the wrath of that same god. Until the religious problem is resolved NOTHING will be resolved. I know, on the face of it you have the two richest guys in Iran leading the charge but the fact remains.......
What we should never forget is that we too have our religious extremists who would like nothing better than to get the rest of us in line. They came very close with Bush and, unlike those in Iran, we just kinda rolled over and let it happen. I suspect that Iran is of such interest because they are obviously worthy of serious respect in that they, at least, are trying to put a stop to it?