Originally Posted by Scoutgal
Mrs. Sanford has let it be known that she asked Governor sanford tom leave the home two weeks ago. So she knew-but I don't think she indulged in the hanky-panky. I deel very sorry for her and those kids.

Me too, Donna. Unfortunately she is in a very big club and she has loads of company. I cannot understand how a spouse would buy into it all to begin with knowing the odds are pretty rotten that they're going to be used, lied to and abused.

I have to go to Washington a few times a year (I am finished for 09, I think) and I have to say that I cannot stand the place. People complain about LA being plastic! First and foremost I don't trust any sumbitch that wears a feckin bowtie. What self respecting man would where a goddam bowtie. You see it a lot in DC (and Baltimore). Any local culture that sends the message to it males that bowtie wearing is OK I have a problem with. Seriously!

Beyond that Washington is nothing if not smoke and mirrors. Nothing there is real. Why in the name of all things holy would a man or a woman want their spouse to live in that environment?

The first time I saw anyone shoot up was in Vietnam. I walked around a bunker and there was a guy who I didn't know jabbing a needle in his arm. It was disgusting. All I wanted to do was take a shower. I feel the same way when I go to DC.

Washington is simply a large concentration of people who live in the political culture. It exists as well in Columbia, SC or Phoenix, AZ. Ms. Sanford surely knew that long ago.

P.S. You can count the men on one hand you see in Phoenix wearing a tie unless you are at the Capitol or a financial institution. You will never, ever, never see anyone here wearing a feckin bowtie.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.