Originally Posted by Slipped Mickey
It is certainly no different in the gay community. I have gay friends who are committed to their partners. Same thing. No difference. If you want a life long commitment you decide where and how you want to be happy and you stick with it. You stay the hell away from people and places that look like big red flags. Sanford isn't a moron, he knows this.
Spot on Mickey

Originally Posted by Checkerboard Strangler
I hope the preceding gobbledygook made some sense to someone.
It did Jeff.

...seems that piggery swings both ways:

Martina Navratilova sued for millions by 'wife' after being 'dumped without warning'

Miss Layton said: ‘Martina has got a fight on her hands. Without any warning, my life came crashing down around me. I was kicked out on the streets with only the clothes on my back.

Contrarian, extraordinaire