Originally Posted by agnostic


talk about frustration. Especially since everything I can do relies on das eyes.
that's a tough situation, Ag.
I wear eye gear too.
Have mercy I hope you get it resolved soon.

RIP Farrah and Michael and Ed.
Wow, such losses. Michael was my oldest daughter's first live concert.

Bizarro world here...
As we're picking up friend at Atl airport last night, Mr O noticed a lump.
Doctor visit this morning revealed a hernia. Surgery is on the way.
We finally get to actually use the insurance coverage we're been paying for all these years. After our $5000 deductible, it looks like our total out of pocket (if we're very very lucky) will only about $10,000.
Are we having fun yet?

So much for that colonoscopy I was hoping to get this year.

My friend from England shakes her head in amazement at our health care expenses here.

We're having a good visit but that put a damper on the day a bit.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."