Once again Massachusetts is a trail blazer in gay rights:

Read Mass. first to fight U.S. marriage law.

Sometimes when I read and watch news from other parts of the United States I feel as if I am living in another country.

(The so far nine pages of comments are interesting.)

None of these pictures are mine:

[Linked Image from lifesitenews.com]
I was planning to go to Best Buy this morning to upgrade my camera from a Nikon D70 to a D90 (with my wife's blessing). Now I'm especially happy I choose to patronize this store.
[Linked Image from itdawnedonme.files.wordpress.com]
My town of Middleboro was one of the first in Massachusetts to have a student gay straight alliance. I was on the advisory committee when it first started. Now look at the list of how many schools here have them. [Linked Image from gbpflag.org]
[Linked Image from farm4.static.flickr.com]