Originally Posted by Opinionated Alien
Wonderful pictures Phil....

Well, summertime in Southern BC means forest fires...some photos of the terrible beauty Nature creates. I found #15, 16 and 47 eerily beautiful.

Interface fires are becoming more and more of a problem... West Kelowna fire burns forest with street lights and powerlines only meters away. In 2003, 50,000 people were evacuated and 250 houses were burnt in one evening in another subdivision of Kelowna.

News commentary "Behind the fire lines...."

I spent most of my childhood summers in the 'dry belt' of BC and the incidence of fires seem to be increasing as the population grows and climate change is shifting climate zones. I also have the feeling California is experiencing more fires than it did in the past.

California is all too familiar with wikdfires. It hits all areas of our state and have been quite devastating. Unfortunately, we cannot attribute most of our fires to weather and other natural causes...most of ours are arson, or carelessness by humans.

[Linked Image from laist.com]
Sayre Fire-November, 2008. This fire resulted in the highest loss of homes in the history of the city of Los Angeles, over 600 homes were destroyed in this fire-one of several that month.

milk and Girl Scout cookies ;-)

Save your breath-You may need it to blow up your date.