Originally Posted by Opinionated Alien
Donna - Thanks for remembering....

Let us pause in remembrance of the over 200,000 residents of Hiroshima killed in one blinding flash

Amen. I have had the opportunity to stand at ground zero (the one WE caused!) and tour the museum nearby. I was there on a day when schoolchildren were gathered in throngs around the park areas surrounding the site. It is difficult still to say which was more memorable: the awful realization of the horror that was visited on this city and its people by my countrymen (and I mean the politicans who ordered it, not the aircrew that delivered it); or the unbeliveable grace with which I, an obvious American in their midst, was treated as I toured the memorials.

And in 3 days we have to remember that once was not enough: we had to show how big our stuff was a second time.

"The white men were as thick and numerous and aimless as grasshoppers, moving always in a hurry but never seeming to get to whatever place it was they were going to." Dee Brown