BTW... my bank made history on August 14, by being the biggest Bank Failure of the year... (sigh)
My Bank is the Royal Bank of Canada(RBCUSA) So I am taking some small comfort that maybe just because it isn't Primarily an American bank it may remain stable.

whatever rebound the market has had, is coming from the Financial Sector. When one third of the economic positive activity is centered in the non-productive "money" part of the economy, it's a sign of serious GDP failure.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the financial sector the one the government has spent literally gazillians to keep afloat?

I'm gloomy right along with ya, Gus. There is still money to be made in the stock market but as you have pointed out it has risen for all the wrong reasons. As the title of this thread implies, the cat has just taken a bounce, it's still dead.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...