
Even in Mordor, where the flickering shadows lie and lie and lie, glints of truth peep out here and there:

The Mclaughlin Group Library

Question, Mort: Is the economy leveling out?

MR. ZUCKERMAN: No, I don't believe it is. It is not falling off the end of the table. It is just rolling downhill at a slightly lesser pace in the last couple of months. But we are by no means through this recession and we are by no means through the problems created by higher unemployment. Homes where the mortgage exceeds the value of the home, which today is 25 percent of the homes -- Deutschebank predicts that in 2011, 48 percent of the homes will have mortgages that exceed the value of the homes. That is a huge, huge event in this country. It will affect everybody's sense of net worth and the consumption economy that we are relying on. So we're not out of the woods. I'm not saying it's going to be a depression, but we've still got a lot of problems ahead of us.


[Cash for Clunkers] MR. BUCHANAN: It was $1 billion. That's about one-tenth of 1 percent of the stimulus program. One of the problems, John, is that the banks still have this big, cancerous tumor in their belly. All these bad toxic paper are being kept on the banks' books at 100 cents on the dollar. You're going to have commercial real estate crashing.