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I have suspicions that the OAG appears to be "rejecting" some of my emails, but then again it may be a "glitch." At any rate, I've pasted in below my reply to FL Assistant Attorney General Wilson's response to my email complaint charging a number of public officials with criminal official misconduct. Dear Assistant Attorney General Wilson,
Thank you for your reply. Are you telling me that although I notified both you and Attorney General Bill McCollum of my charges of criminal misconduct by Florida law enforcement and a publicly regulated utility that neither one of you is legally required to forward my charges to someone that can address them? I didn’t ask the OAG to investigate my charges, but rather I only reported them to the Attorney General. Coincidentally,Jamie McLaughlin, the top cop that I charged with official misconduct suddenly and unexpectedly resigned the day after the USPS confirmed delivery of my letter to the FL OAG. Apparently, he may have believed that the FL OAG would do something.
The FDLE OIG has an inherent conflict of interest in investigating my charges. Kim Likens from the Governor's OIG left a message to call her. Ms. Likens told me that her boss, Dawn Case, wanted her to call me and tell me that she had forwarded my letter to the Governor regarding my charges to FDLE IG Al Dennis. Ms. Likens said that this matter belongs with the FDLE. FDLE OIG Inspector Keith Wilmer called me a short time afterwards. Inspector (Criminal Investigator) Wilmer said that his call was in response to an email (from Dawn Case) to FDLE IG Dennis and that he didn't know anything other than that or about my letter to then Gov. Bush. FDLE OIG Criminal Investigator Dennis lied. Inspector Wilmer said that he was calling about an email that he received from IG Dennis regarding a law enforcement tracking device. Criminal Investigator Wilmer denied that he had any other prior knowledge of my complaint. Mr. Wilmer then proceeded to quote verbatim my correspondence to Gov. Bush and others, indicating a prior knowledge. When Mr. Wilmer's conversation grew increasingly silly, I asked him if there were any Florida law enforcement bugs on the utility poles servicing the house and grounds. Wilmer said that he didn't know. Besides being expensive, these electronic surveillance devices are serialized and inventoried. A simple accounting will prove my charges, as well as some evidence and testimony that the FDLE and State Attorney’s office withheld in my neighbors’ drug trial.
Regarding your suggestion that I request that Governor Crist appoint a “special prosecutor” outside the 14th Judicial District: Doesn’t the state attorney of that Judicial Circuit have to request to be excused? Considering that State Attorney Hess refuses to reply to my Florida Public Records Request, isn’t it silly to expect this same state attorney to request to be excused or allow a truly independent “special prosecutor” to investigate my charges? Considering that State Attorney Hess has refused to respond to my Public Records Request, I find it unlikely that he would agree to the voluntary mediation that you suggested. I’m asking you the following question in your official position of Assistant Attorney General: Is State Attorney Hess’ refusal to respond to my Florida Public Records Request an impeachable offense?
Regarding your suggestion that I consult a private attorney: I have suspicions that those private attorneys that were involved in this matter were tampered with, and, furthermore, no licensed attorney who wishes to continue practicing law in Florida will even talk to me following the initial contact.
Again, thank you for your reply and suggestions. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me, so that we can resolve this matter. Thank you.
Sincerely, Joe Keegan Bonifay, FL
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I received a reply to my email to Assistant Attorney General Joslyn Wilson from the Attorney General's Office, and not the AAG herself. This is the email equivalent of a bureaucrat switching from the first person "I" to the plural royal "we." From the OAG's reply: In addition, as this office noted in its previous email, the Governor, under part II of chapter 27, Florida Statutes, has the authority to issue executive orders assigning 'special prosecutors,' which are state attorneys assigned to handle criminal matters outside of their particular circuits. As to information regarding the exercise of that authority, you should contact the Governor’s Office. I would note, however, that in authorizing the Governor to appoint a special prosecutor, section 27.14, Florida Statutes, provides that if a state attorney is "disqualified to represent the state in any investigation, case, or matter pending in the courts of his or her circuit or if, for any other good and sufficient reason, the Governor determines that the ends of justice would be best served, the Governor may, by executive order filed with the Department of State, either order an exchange of circuits or of courts between such state attorney and any other state attorney or order an assignment of any state attorney to discharge the duties of the state attorney with respect to one or more specified investigations, cases, or matters, specified in general in the executive order of the Governor." (e.s.) Been there,done that,and got the t-shirt. I strongly suspect the OAG knows it, too, regarding requesting a "special prosecutor." But maybe the third time is the charm? The problem is that unless the State Attorney asks to be excused, you can forget about any Governor appointing one. State Attorney Hess and Florida's 14th Judicial Circuit wouldn't be ignoring my charges, and public records request, without an understanding. Citing sections and statutes are meaningless scribbles, unless they want them to mean something. Here's one, Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 4, that may have meant something to that judge who didn't want to talk to me. I intended to present my charges and evidence to him along with my request to excused from jury duty. If he received my charges and evidence, he was required to do something or at least forward them to some official who would. How do you avoid that? Don't talk to the person. How does the FBI do it? They repeatedly deny in writing that they received them, even though they signed for the mail.
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See my 5/14/07 post on page 10 on this thread. From my 5/14/07 post: The mail arrived unusually late Friday afternoon. I had received my reply from the Governor, or rather a Warren Davis, Office of Citizen Services. Mr. Davis wrote in his letter that Gov. Crist asked him to respond on his behalf regarding my "requesting the appointment of a special prosecutor." The Governor said no because State Attorney Meadows has to inform the Governor of a conflict of interest in his office and apparently the Hon. Steve Meadows doesn't see any conflict of interest. Does anyone believe that State Attorney Hess will tell the Governor that he has a conflict of interest and request to be excused? Or, that Gov. Crist might recognize that the state attorney for Florida's 14th Judicial District refusal to reply to a Public Records Request (or a 14th Judicial Circuit judge who won't talk to a prospective juror) constitutes a conflict of interest and appoint a "special prosecutor" from another Judicial District?
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I emailed and faxed a request for the appointment of a special prosecutor to Governor Charlie Crist as suggested by Assistant Attorney General Wilson. The first paragraph of my request follows: Dear Governor Crist,
Assistant Attorney General Joslyn Wilson suggested that I contact your office regarding the appointment of a special prosecutor outside the 14th Judicial Circuit, and noted s. 119.07(1), Florida Statues (F.S.), s.119.10[2], s.119.07, s.119.10(1)(a), F.S., s.838.022(1)(b).F.S., part II of chapter 27, Florida Statues, and section 27.14, Florida Statues. My state attorney, Glenn Hess, is knowingly violating the Public Records in order to conceal and cover up criminal misconduct by Florida law enforcement agencies and officers, former State Attorney Steve Meadows, and other present and former public officials. State Attorney Hess has a conflict of interest and other reasons, which disqualifies him from representing the state in investigating my criminal charges against not only Florida law enforcement agencies, the former State Attorney Office of Steve Meadows, and others, but also the 14th Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office itself. These criminal violations, including illegal electronic surveillance and obstruction of justice, by Florida law enforcement agencies, officers, and the State Attorney’s Office are an “open secret” within the 14th Judicial Circuit. For example, I appeared as summoned at the Holmes County courthouse on Friday morning, Dec. 12, 2008, for jury duty. I was prospective juror #37. After Clerk of the Court Cody Taylor explained the procedures, he asked if anyone wanted to talk to the judge about being excused from duty. I raise my hand along with one other prospective juror. Taylor called a one half hour recess and called me over to him. Clerk of the Court Cody Taylor told me that the judge doesn't want to talk to me and said that I'm excused. I intended to present the Judge with evidence of my above criminal charges that State Attorney Hess refused to even acknowledge. Consequently I am requesting that you appoint a special prosecutor under part II of chapter 27, Florida Statues, as 14th Judicial Circuit State Attorney Hess is disqualified to represent the state in any investigation of his office for knowingly violating provisions of section 119.07(1), Florida Statues, as well as covering up criminal misconduct by Florida law enforcement agencies, officers, public officials, his predecessor, and others. State Attorney Hess has an inherent conflict of interest in not only investigating the 14th Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office and himself, but also Florida law enforcement and others’ criminal misconduct.
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Gov. Crist still hasn’t replied to my request for a ‘special prosecutor’ as suggested by Assistant Attorney General Joslyn Wilson. I’m disappointed, but not too surprised. I wrote the governor when he was the Attorney General regarding my charges. FDLE Executive Investigations Director Jamie McLaughlin resigned the day after the USPS verified delivery of my letter to the OAG. I contacted AG Crist again when former FL 14th Judicial District State Attorney Steve Meadows refused to acknowledge my complaint and evidence regarding illegal electronic surveillance, harassment, etc. Former Gov. Jeb Bush had advised me to bring my charges and evidenced to the state attorney. Meadow’s Chief Assistant State Attorney contacted me shortly after I contacted the OAG. When the direction of the Assistant State Attorney’s conversation became increasing silly, I asked him directly: “Did you view my VHS video-tape?” He refused to answer my question.
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On this day, August 8, 1974 , President Nixon announced his decision to resign from the presidency. Things have changed a lot in this country in the last 35 years.
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In order to insure that Gov. Crist was aware of my charges and request for a special prosecutor as suggested by the Assistant Attorney General, I filed a public records request with the Governor's Office for a copy of my request. Jessica P. Kassees,Executive Assistant, Office of Open Government, supplied copies of my request from the Executive Office of the Governor, but there were no other documents attached. The Governor's Office is aware of my charges, but apparently ignoring them.
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I sent Susan Smith an email on Aug. 19, 2009. She's is in charge of preparing Executive Orders in the Governor's Executive Office, General Counsel (legal). Besides notifying her of criminal misconduct, the point of my letter was to ask: Do you know of any reason why Governor Crist should not assign a special prosecutor to investigate these criminal violations, as allowed under part II of chapter 27, Florida Statues, or doesn't have a duty to do so? I requested a reply by this Thursday, August 27, 2009. Maybe Ms. Smith will tell me why the Governor won't respond to my request? Hey, maybe he's doesn't have to, because he's the Governor and can do what he wants? And the self-appointed "people's governor" apparently doesn't deem it necessary to address this issue.
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It seems that someone has delegated this issue. I experienced two incidents over the past two days which I haven’t experienced in years. I suspect that they may have something to do with my email to Ms. Smith. The last time similar incidents preceded a federal criminal investigator charging me with USC 1001. I turned around and charged the criminal investigator with similar and additional charges in both federal and state courts. However, it’s a one-way street. They get to “charge” you, but you don’t get to “charge” them. Besides who gets to do the charging, what was the difference between our charges? I could prove mine and he couldn’t prove his. The criminal investigated fabricated his entire investigation upon which he based his charges and then repeatedly perjured himself. His “charges” disappeared.
What concerns me is this morning’s incident. I drove into Bonifay to pick up some supplies. After my first stop, I made a second and then a final one. I pulled into the parking lot on my final stop and parked close to the store, but away from the other cars. In line at the checkout, I noticed a person with what appeared to be a beeper. The person was totally out of place, and was hanging near the office by the registers, so I figured a sales rep or tech. The person was also starring in my direction. When I glanced up in that direction again, I noticed that the person was still starring and that no one from the office had gone out to meet this person. As I paid the cashier, this person left the building without having met with anyone or buying anything. I left the store and headed over to the newspaper vending machines. I observed that this person had gotten in a small blue car parked next to mine, which indicates that this person arrived after me and chose to park next to my vehicle. What concerned me was that this person saw me at the vending machines and instead of turning right and onto the highway, turned left headed straight at me, and then turned and headed to the highway. If this was any question as to how I looked before, there isn’t now.