Originally Posted by Ron G.
Emma, I shall most graciously concede that your son's claim to fame is worthy of some passing consideration so long as you and he are not so gauche as to assume that this implies a real talent for things artistic, whether written or visual. You must remember the limitations inherent in the American character, American society and American education, and that he has hit the trifecta.

Given your son's limits as a result of his misfortune to be an American rather than the scion of a civilized nation, please understand that he will never be able to write some subtle, extended metaphor such as a sublime word-craftsman like Nabokov would bring forth, or the complex nuancing of the tortured soul that would spring from the brow of a Tolstoy or a Proust or a Joyce. He must, alas, be content with short, rudely-energetic bursts of words that would splatter from the pen of someone like Hemingway, the exemplar of the bloated, drunk and violent culture that is the real America.

Nor should you consider his photography to be real art, for it is mere technology, and any culture - even a pedestrian one like that of America - is capable of reproducing it as it lacks the soul of true art that is exclusively the birthright of those blessed to have been born and intellectually nurtured in some less toxic cultural womb. Therefore, when he - without imagination or real appreciation of truth and beauty - points and clicks at some dull American face that is unanimated by any true sense of taste or refinement, remember that it is not really art, it is just a subtle and extended metaphor of American rape of the world of true civilization and refinement.

Bravo, Ron! I knew that you had a sense of humor --- buried somewhere very deep within you!

I see also that my gentle remonstrances about the American scene have awoken apperceptions of the truth in you. Socrates would be proud of me! I could not have said it better than you have! Every sentence you have crafted has the lustre of true gold! Dare I say that this is a work of art?

Moreover, Emma's son, or anyone else, if they take to heart the truths you have imparted, has some hope of escaping the handicap and darkness of being born American, and entering the sunlit uplands of true civilization, where they may achieve the chief end of a human being: to glorify Beauty, and enjoy it forever.
