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My "mindset," as you call it, is to take unquestioned assumptions and question them. If I can make people feel like fools for swallowing so much nonsense, that is all to the good. It is a sound pedagogical method
A couple points for your consideration Numan: 1. We are not here to be taught, so pedagogical methods are inappropriate. We are here to discuss and yes, learn from one another. But to assume a pedagogical stance is insulting to the rest of us for it assumes you know something we should learn and have consented to that relationship. It may come as news, but in all the many postings here I have very seldom seen anything you said that was a fact that none of the rest of us knew. It is all opinion, and that is not a part of the pedagogical method.
2. Questioning any and all assumptions is valuable. But that is not what you do. You claim to express truth, I suppose in your mind "truth to power" which is not a challenge to accepted knowledge but a claim of knowledge. Again, almost never do you state facts, and even rarer is your backing up your claims with links to background or source material, as is urged by our guidelines. Where are your reasoned, thought through suggestions for making change in your former home?
3. This assertion of a unique view of knowledge lacks all semblance of humility and is thrown in, you now apparently admit, merely to incite "Americans." That is an argumentative stance that is offensive and merely riles people up, not inform or seek truth.
Everyone on this board knows that the U.S. is a terribly, maybe even fatally flawed nation. But that knowledge is coupled with a desire and in most a commitment to find ways to improve those flaws. I do not see that in your post. As a matter of fact, you have fled the U.S. and now seek to demonize over 300 million people.
You know you could have stayed here and helped out rather than run away and take pot shots at us. I truly hope you are happier where you are and that your new home allows you to flourish.
But if you aren't part of the solution -- and I mean more than bloviating -- then you are part of the problem no matter how you try to paint things as "pedagogical."
So, simply put, you need a lesson in humility.
Life is a banquet -- and most poor suckers are starving to death -- Auntie Mame You are born naked and everything else is drag - RuPaul