Texas has a really strange culture mix. But a majority have something in common...complete dislike for liberal and/ or democrat philosophies, values, political goals, etc.. An act of politicide of the Democratic Party and members would most like be acceptable by many in Texas. Most are strongly influenced by religion, which many are pretty vocal about politics. Seperation of Church and State just aint their thing.

Gov. Rick Perry, at every media opportunity, preaches that Texas would be much better off pulling out of the union. He would love to be the Holy Emperor of Texas. If Texas suceeded, then Texas conservative majority legislatures would immediately rid of any laws resembling seperation of church and state, make abortion illegal, imprison as many gay citizens as possible for being perverted straight people, and probably attempt to colonize all of the poor and sick citizens who don't fit the mold of what constitutes good conservative values...or who would be too financially burdensome to whatever form of Texas government that would be created.

What bugs me the most...a huge population of Texas residents would immediately set out to abolish science at all levels of schools and replace it with "Intelligent Design" if no authority would intervene.

The far right has already demonstrated that they can get around the U.S. Constitution's clause on Seperation of Church and State...and have been able to get a "bible courses in many schools. They claim those classes to be more like history...however I don't see the Quran or other religious text classes being offered, which, from a history stand point, would benefit kids knowledge much more than restricting such a religious classes to only the western religion bible.

A western religion theocracy would be a welcomed form of government in Texas.

In my opinion, Texas is full of political and religious misinformed, uninformed, or just plain ignorant. Those types of folks are the most dangerous in the world. Just look at the middle east. I really believe that a lot of Texans aspire to create a very similar type of nation.

As far Obama's chat with the kids...well, I think there is enough proof that we have vast numbers of children who live with a parent or parents that won't spend 5 minutes a day teaching them any form of values, beliefs, or traditions...and then send their kids to school to let someone else take on that role. Schools in America are a total mess in so many ways...thanks to government and political correctness.

The content of Obama's speech...well, there is a clear motive by about 60 million people who want to make his speech into a self-serving, ego-centric speech to influence children to adopt to his beliefs. Bullshit! It's hate mongering by 60 million people who are pissed off at Obama being elected in the first place.

"Divide and Conquer"...mission accomplished by the Dems, Repubs. and their employers.

If all of the above were to take place...Texas would be a great vacation spot for those who would like to see a living reinactment of the dark ages.

Last edited by AustinRanter; 09/07/09 06:58 PM.

Turn on ANY brand of political machine - and it automatically goes to the "SPIN and LIE CYCLE" wink

Yours Truly - Gregg