Is Fences still free? I was using it during the free beta but I thought it had gone to a pay version. This post is going to sound a bit like a mac commercial but hey, it's my main platform.

Some "did you knows":

-Did you know you can highlight ANY text and drag it to your desktop and OS X will create a rich text clipping file for you? I use this all the time to quickly grab a recipe I come across, for filing later. Microsoft lets you do a version of this within it's apps (ie you can do it within Outlook and word etc to the desktop, but you can't just grab from say Firefox to the desktop, this is also as of XP, I have not touched Vista or Win7 yet, not my main platform and work hasn't switched yet)
-Did you know the built in OS X Spotlight feature does exactly what ItStarted's Everything app does. Actually, MS has a similar search feature, but I find it slow and when it does it's intermittent indexing your computer becomes a dog. Again, this is as of XP. If you use Outlook, it does index your email so it IS handy there as you can search your email from the search box on your desktop.

-Remote Desktop Connection included in every windows pc since XP and a free download for the mac that allows you to remotely connect to a windows machine (assuming it's on and is set to allow the incoming terminal connections). You will get the other Windows machine desktop on your local machine. Handy if say you are like me and work from home occasionally but need to access files that must stay on a machine in the office. It can be a bit slow but it's better than driving in.
-iStat, this is another mac one, this is both a widget and a menubar tool, will show you various stats about your machine, network up and down, temp, hard drive capacity, memory usage, cpu usage. Handy for figuring out at a glance why your system is bogging down, mousing over the cpu gauge tells what apps are using the most cycles, mousing over the mem gauge tells what is using the most memory (top 5).
-Connect360, have an xbox 360 and a mac? Want to stream your itunes library and/or movies through the 360? Bingo! It's a pay app but it doesn't cost much and the updates have been free for almost 2 years now.