Originally Posted by Scoutgal
Joe~I'm making beef stew in the crockpot for Superbowl Sunday dinner. It's one of my family's favorite meals. Mr. Scoutgal had to got to San Francisco for the day on Frisay, and brought me back some sourdough french brad from the wharf up there. I'll serve that with the stew.

I add at least a cup of red wine and sliced mushrooms to the stew. ThumbsUp
Excellent selection, unless you have a bunch of vegetarians as guest. But, in that case, tell 'em it's beef flavored tofu. Be surprised what will sell on Super Bowl Sunday.

Sourdough is perfect accompaniment for beef stew. I made a point to try sourdough bread- and Dungeness crab and visit Ghiradelli Square - at Fisherman's Wharf when I first visited San Francisco many moons ago. I've been an ardent fan ever since. Red wine and sliced mushrooms are an excellent addition. I usually add the mushrooms (which I'm very found of) in the last 15 minutes or so. Also, any Ranters know the name of that bar that serves Irish coffees (same recipe as Shannon airport)located at the bottom of hill where the trolleys begin their run? I picked up a set of the glasses to serve the Irish coffee in, but unfortunately they went bye-bye over the years. I'd like to order another set. Is that place still open? If so, what's the name and do they have a website?