My bad. I do my mashed potatoes in a pressure cooker. I forgot that most people boil them first. After I peel and wash about 6 potatoes, I slice them, drop them in the pressure cooker, add a couple cloves of garlic, and anywhere from 10-15 oz. chicken broth. I pressure cook on high for about 7 minutes and then quickly lower the temp of the pressure cooker by running cold water on it. The potatoes absorb all the broth and I don't even have to mash or just slightly mash. Sometimes I add a little extra broth. I then add butter, salt, and pepper. I also use this method with rutabagas, turnips, parsnips, etc. It's quite good. If I was boiling the potatoes, after draining, I'd pour in some broth as I mashed them. I'd add enough to get to the consistency that I like.