Originally Posted by Almost Naomi
I just might be in your neighborhood around dinner time, Olyve... [Linked Image from yoursmiles.org]
Come on down, AN, we have plenty.
As it turned out, we ate the leftover veggie chili instead because Mr O was pining for a quesadilla to go with it.
I make good ones he thinks. cool
So the other is still yet to come.

Interesting PIA. Thanks for the info.
I have pretty good luck with the texture but sometimes they fall apart too soon. Getting the gentle simmer just right is sometimes a challenge. Blackeyes and chick peas are the hardest it seems.
I never have problems with crunchy though.

I usually fast track by putting them in boiling water for 2 minutes and then cover and wait an hour before cooking. Cooking usually takes an hour or so. I season them as they cook usually with minced garlic, cumin, maybe chopped onions, maybe crumbled oregano. Salt when they are nearly done.

I don't use my pressure cooker that often but remember the fear involved from my youth too. My cooker is about 10 years old I think, very light weight, probably a 3 or 4 quart and very easy to use also.
I don't remember it as being very expensive. $30 maybe? I think I bought it at Target.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."