Not me, cowboy! Those nice Chinese fellows behind the counter nets 'em, heads 'em, 'splits 'em and guts 'em.

Now, I hate to admit this, but yesterday a 15 year old girl who couldn't cook her way out of a wet paper bag taught me something about cooking. S&B Curry Mix [Linked Image from]
It's Japanese style curry, it's available in Publix and I just cooked some for lunch: Sauteed some onions, carrots and celery, added beef broth and a cube of the curry mix then a little bit of Coconut milk and more broth til I got the consistency I wanted. It was excellent and took only minutes to prepare. I bought the "Medium Hot" and there was no burn at all so you'd hafta be mighty wimpy to buy the mild.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...