Self rising cornmeal, lots of buttermilk, and oil is about it.
It comes out not cakey but crispy.
I'm gonna have to find me a recipe for that. New England tends toward sweet cornbread; not to my liking. (I already have the cast iron skillet.)
[Linked Image from yoursmiles.org]

Dinner tonite was just organic, raw broccoli with a little ranch dressing for flavor contrast. Stopped at the health food store after work and ate a handful of cashews on the drive home. Ended up feeling sick. Doubt it was the nuts...more likely a stomach virus that just about everybody in Vermont has...some worse than others. Luckily, I don't seem to have the full-blown (as it were) variety.

You'd think broccoli wouldn't be a good choice under those conditions, but it went down well.

(Too much information??? LOL )

"Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace." ...Albert Schweitzer