Embrace today as being just right, perfect beyond the circumstances thrown your way, and rejoice in being alive.

Thanks, Phil.

I've been away for a bit -- in Chicago the past week -- and I am SO grateful to be home and where it is warmer. Had a wonderful visit with John and also attended the Comparative and International Education Society annual meeting. Great sessions and an opportunity to meet many of the scholars whom I've been reading.

What's up with CHB? I checked in a couple of times but couldn't find reader rant. Have had to resort to Google search because I'm not seeing a link from the CHB page. I'm sure I missed discussion about it.

We had ice in the bird baths and on the windshields this morning, but we'll be opening windows soon.

Have a wonderful day everyone!


"I believe very deeply that compassion is the route not only for the evolution of the full human being, but for the very survival of the human race." —The Dalai Lama