I hope your dinner and wine was good tonight, Naomi. smile

I actually had meat.
Pork chops from locally grown. Organic free range.
As I think y'all have figured out, we don't eat much meat but we do eat some. I've been in the mood for some pork. I wanted to get the cleanest most trusted so I ordered some online.

Lol, it's southern cut meaning it had a lot of fat ribboned through it but I trimmed them pretty good, slow baked them with garlic and onions.
Baked organic sweet potatoes and not organic great northern beans.
A very fine meal!

I forgot to say....you could cut the meat like butter. Oh!

Last edited by olyve; 03/30/10 01:03 AM.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."