Originally Posted by Greger
You had me until the 'cake batter...' Hmm

I would be interested in trying it - if someone else made it.
I kinda thought the same thing , Rick. Sounds like too much sugar. If I made it, which isn't likely, I think I'd substitute Jiffy Cornbread Mix, it makes awful cornbread that's too sweet and too crumbly but it might tone this recipe down a little bit.
See? That's the point. You'd change it from weird contrasting tastes but remarkably good comfort food to something else altogether.
And maybe for you that would be a good thing.

I dunno. I agree on paper it doesn't work but in "real" life at least for me it did.
The cake mix is sweet but it's tempered by the meat taste (however you describe that) and the tart of the apples and then the two different kinds of potatoes....white and sweet. The batter puffs up of course as the other stuff cooks down and it all kind of mixes together for a very unique and homey taste.
Probably not for everybody and way too much fat and sugar to be good for you but tasty nonetheless.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."