Elena Kagan is the perfect Supreme Court pick for Barack Obama.

In fact, in so many ways, she is Barack Obama.

Moreover, they both represent their generation well. They are the leading edge of Generation X, and they embody its character fully.

So starts an essay entitled "Fear Comes of Age."

I read it first a few days ago and thought about posting it here, but I didn't. I did, however, go back and read it each day, trying to figure out how to get a hook on it. Then, this morning, I was reading through "Irritating Things," where Ken Hill posted:

What intrigues me the most about Elena Kagan is that she somehow has no expressed political past. A tabula rasa. How in the hell is that possible? Either she does not like, nor has never engaged in politics, or she has had a lifelong deliberate aversion to it because she had something higher in mind. Something one might even call—supreme.
And that again reminded me of the essay.

I like a lot of what's in it, especially the idea that selfishness has replaced belief in many political ideas/goals and the implications behind why all parties are now alike. I know many of these things have been discussed individually here on RR, but I think what attracted me to this essay was how it pulled together so many issues. I'd like to know what you guys think.

Currently reading: Best American Mystery Stories edited by Lee Child and Otto Penzler. AARGH!