Originally Posted by CBS
They want the 7th century? The whole goddam world should make it their mission to do everything in its power to force them to put their money where their mouth is, and we will just have to figure out a way to get along without whatever it is they have.

That way, we don't find ourselves in a constant state of war with these morons.
Defense industry dont like that? Tough titty.
Make sewing machines instead.

Too-Shay, Jeff.

Obviously no lessons learned in Vietnam and even in Iraq "except that during less than stable ecomomic times"...that it keeps our country from formally declaring bankruptcy. History tells us that we can't win a war in another country where their fighting forces don't wear uniforms, blend in with everyday citizens. I think history will show that to be the case for other warring countries who fought under similar situations.

The "collateral damage factor" is the only thing that keeps us, and more in particular, so-called "civilized" countries, from winning such a type of war as our nation has repeatedly experienced over the last near 50 years.

Even Russia began to climbed out of the barbaric stage of evolution after Stalin. It took awhile, but they too have made the same war engagement mistakes as we have. A prime example is their little 8 plus year war in Afghanistan.

Apparently diplomatic methods of resolve in these 7th century countries is impossible...much like it was in Vietnam. Only unplugged, relentless brutality that involves no regard for civilian life is the only way America can claim a geniune victory in Iraq and Afghanistian.

Should that type of military policy be deployed by the U.S. Government...then I say it's time for the average American to study over and over and over the first several paraphraphs of the Declaration of Independence. Then take the necessary action to remove some folks in Washington...well, maybe clean the slate completely in Washington, make a few revisions in the Constitution that gave too much power to the Federal Government and give our Republic form of goverment another try. I believe that it can work...only if the 4th branch of our form of government makes it work.

Turn on ANY brand of political machine - and it automatically goes to the "SPIN and LIE CYCLE" wink

Yours Truly - Gregg