Originally Posted by Ardy
By the way, just to be clear, I am not at this point advocating any particular policy about the issue that we are discussing....

I am addressing the separate issue... Does it really make no difference if you vote for Bush or Gore? Does it really make no difference if you vote for Obama or McCain?

What if we say if makes no difference... but it actually does make a difference?
Ardy, as I said earlier, that isn't what this thread is about but I do realize that I started it with a quote of yours so it's fair that I respond to what you've written.

Originally Posted by olyve
That from the "Obama's Memorial Day washout" thread prompted me to post this article about President Obama's military policies.
When I have said in the past that I didn't see differences in the military policy campaign promises of McCain and Obama, what I meant and should have been clearer about was that both scared and disappointed me equally.

Well I was wrong. Apparently Obama is going even further than the previous administration.
I shouldn't be surprised but I find myself disappointed just the same.
Ardy, that is what I wrote to open this thread.
I know there are slight differences. Just as there are differences between Bush and McCain or Obama and Clinton.
I do overall feel though that the two parties are essentially morphing into one big one though. They are both war mongering corporate whores. They control the election process to keep others out as well as the debates.

I know you think I threw my vote away when I voted for a third option. I can't change your mind there.
I voted that way because there was somebody running who I was actually "for" and who best represented my values. I also voted that way because I was actively working with the Green Party and was interested in party building and all that goes with that...ballot access, matching funds, etc.
We need more choices.

Would I rather McCain/Palin to have won? No!
And I also hope President Obama truly does correct some of the problems that Bush left behind.
But that said, this article points out that President Obama's military policies are even worse than even I thought they would be and I'm dreadfully disappointed.

I'm not sorry I didn't vote for Gore and don't feel responsible for electing George Bush...twice. The American people who vote for him did that.

I was shocked that President Obama, according to this article has so greatly increased our secret preemptive wars around the world and deeply disappointed.
He campaigned that he would increase action in Afghanistan so though I disagree I wasn't surprised.
The other does shock me.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."