Originally Posted by Ardy
By the way, just to be clear, I am not at this point advocating any particular policy about the issue that we are discussing....

I am addressing the separate issue... Does it really make no difference if you vote for Bush or Gore? Does it really make no difference if you vote for Obama or McCain?

What if we say if makes no difference... but it actually does make a difference?

Yeah, you go to hell in a different handcart. That's the difference.

There are no Republican or Democrat bullets, napalm, rockets or cluster bombs. The innocents on the receiving end simply feel pain and agony as a gift from America. We can all look to Iraq for a recent and unforgivable example. It was wrong for my country to invade them. We are still there. It was wrong for my country to torture and disappear people. No one but a few tokens have gone to jail. Secret prisons still apparently exist. We are still kissing Zionist butt in the Middle East. America's position on the Gaza flotilla is shameful. Now we hear that Amnesty International has proof that we cluster bombed and killed more innocents - many women and children - than bad guys in Yemen. Apparently the decision regarding collateral damage is business as usual.

I had hoped Obama would be different his actions tell me otherwise. I shouldn't complain, I voted for Kucinich.


You, you and you, panic. The rest of you follow me.