Please keep in mind that I have stated a lot of times now that there are small differences but the essence is the same to me.
Small differences? Bush's invasion of Iraq is a "small" difference?
there is something about these sorts of discussions that seems to continually annoy me. That is when people say things other than what they really mean.
In this case, I can see that there are certain issues that are very important to you... and you want your voice to be clear in support of those politicians who enunciate your values. Fair enough.
But then the discussion moves from.... "I think this guy is great because he speaks my mind..." ... and morphs into an assertion that there is no difference, or almost no difference between the other candidates.
The fact that other candidates do not share your values does not make them mostly the same. IMO it seems a little peculiar to to say: "People who do not agree with me are mostly all the same... with minor differences that do not change the essence of the fact that there is no difference."