"Why do, basically, people with money have good health care and why do people who live on lower salaries not have good health care?" she said. "Health should be a right for everyone." She is president of the Global Health Corps, an organization that champions global health equity.
The Newsroom Bush women run afoul of GOP orthodoxy (I really don't like the title of the article. Talk about manipulation of the reader)
I don't really know what I want the subject matter of this thread to be.
Y'all decide.
I just found her video very interesting.
I'm heartened when the younger generation recognizes suffering and thinks it needs to stop.
The fact that it is President Bush's daughter doesn't even really surprise me...though I essentially knew nothing about her values before this article.
I like the idea that more and more people think it's inhumane to just let people die because they can't get the care they need.
I think health should be a right too.