Originally Posted by issodhos
Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Part of the problem is the Initiative Process: Anybody with a little money or dedicated followers can get something on the ballot, and that can amend the state constitution with only a simple majority of votes cast.
Yeah! Booooooo on democracy! LOL

Iss, is all democracy the same in your eyes?
I've often stated that pure democracy by itself is a lot like pure oxygen, nice to huff for a few minutes in an oxygen bar but deadly if you make a life's work of the stuff...volatile as hell too.
One spark and you have some vigorously accelerated combustion happening. Shove it straight down an intake manifold in pure form and watch it punch holes in the tops of your pistons.

Pure democracy is mob rule, and it later devolves into the manufacture of consent. Like anything else in pure form, democracy unbridled can be pure hell, and the half life ain't too great either, nor the by products.

As with anything else, nature DEMANDS a BALANCE.

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