Pastor AG would really appreciate this:
Coincidence? I think not!
From Wikipedia:
Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an American author of horror, fantasy, and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as weird fiction.First of all, I even look a little like Lovecraft... My mama had an ugly child, she didn't have a stupid child.
Born Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Died March 15, 1937
Providence, Rhode IslandHe died about the same time I was born (late 1936). I was born in Pawtucket three miles away.
Alma mater Hope High School, ProvidenceMy bride graduated Hope
His parents married, the first marriage for both, when they were in their thirties, unusually late in life given the time period.Mine too...
The elder Lovecraft was taken back to Providence and placed in Butler HospitalMy great Aunt Nellie Spent time in Butler (Mental Hospital)
His works were deeply pessimistic and cynical
ask Ardy!!!
Lovecraft was a prodigy, reciting poetry at the age of three and writing complete poems by six. His grandfather encouraged his reading, providing him with classics such as The Arabian NightsDon't know about the prodigy part, but I could recite poetry, and learned to write at age 5... One of my all time favorites... Arabian Nights
Lovecraft was frequently ill as a child, at least some of which was certainly psychosomatic, although he attributed his various ailments to physical causes only. I was a sicky... if there was a bug, I caught it... Dr. Doll came to our house on a regular basis... Allergies, ear aches, colds, mumps, whooping cough, poison ivy, measles... had them all.
Mismanagement of his grandfather's estate left his family in such a poor financial situation they were forced to move into much smaller accommodations at 598 (now a duplex at 598-600) Angell Street.My dad lived on Angell St. before he got married.
This failure to complete his education (he wished to study at Brown University) was a source of disappointment and shame even late into his life.I was accepted and came within an hour of attending Brown (went to Bowdoin instead)...
Back in Providence, Lovecraft lived in a "spacious brown Victorian wooden house" at 10 Barnes Street until 1933. I studied in the summer at Brown... on Barnes Street..
In 1936, Lovecraft was diagnosed with cancer of the intestineIn 1989, I had colon cancer... cured with surgery
Lovecraft was listed along with his parents on the Phillips family monument. That was not enough for his fans, so in 1977 a group of them raised the money to buy him a headstone of his own in Swan Point cemetery, on which they had inscribed Lovecraft's name, the dates of his birth and death, and the phrase "I AM PROVIDENCE", a line from one of his personal letters.Most of my family and all of my bride's family are interred at Swan Point.
Lovecraft's fiction has been grouped into three categories by some critics. While Lovecraft did not refer to these categories himself, he did once write, "There are my 'Poe' pieces and my 'Dunsany pieces' – but alas – where are my Lovecraft pieces?"Sounds Hokey, but my favorite author has always been Poe... I once memorized for a show, the entire "Tell Tale Heart"
Much of Lovecraft's work was directly inspired by his night terrorsWe used to call them nightmares... my own private hell, 'til about age 15.
His prose is somewhat antiquarian. Often he employed archaic vocabulary or spelling which had already by his time been replaced by contemporary coinagesSobeit, thus so have I also been therewith accused.
Though little known to his fan base, Lovecraft was familiar with the work of the German conservative-revolutionary theorist Oswald SpenglerSpengler fascinated me
In a letter to James F. Morton in 1923, Lovecraft specifically points to Einstein's theory on relativity as throwing the world into chaos and making the cosmos a jestSee my current signature
Lovecraft considered himself a man best suited to the early 18th century. His writing style, especially in his many letters, owes much to Augustan British writers of the Enlightenment like Joseph Addison and Jonathan SwiftBingo... on Swift... third on my historical favorites
Although Lovecraft is known mostly for his works of weird fiction, the bulk of his writing consists of voluminous letters about a variety of topics, from weird fiction and art criticism to politics and history.Don't know about voluminous, but....
From Wiki:Historical locations
Pascoag, Rhode Island::: Lifeguarded there
Chepachet, Rhode :::Summer camped there
Gainesville, Florida ::: trained swimming U of F
Binger in Caddo County, Oklahoma::: No
Copp's Hill, Boston, Massachusetts::: lived Back Bay 1 mile
Pawtuxet (now Cranston, Rhode Island):::
Newburyport, Massachusetts::: best friend lives there
Ipswich, Massachusetts::: Lived in Falmouth
Dunedin, New Zealand::: miss
Bolton, Massachusetts:::no
Salem, Massachusetts::: niece is a witch
Brattleboro, Vermont::: One of my stores...
Albany, New York::: lived and worked there 7 years
New York City, New York:::worked there hated it.
The martini helped.

Now, I have to go and read his books.