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I think this article belongs here. It's very wise, and brings together:
The Republican "trickle down" The Democratic "create jobs" The continued Bank stranglehold The long term lower job levels The need for safety nets
Unless and until there is a recognition of the macro, The "solutions" will come piecemeal, and will likely be doomed to failure.
I don't know if there is anyone in government with enough vision to skip the politics and offer a comprehensive resolution. Moving five years ahead, will we be a third rate nation, looking back to denounce the greed and intransigence of egoistic leaders, lost in their own tiny worlds?
The last paragraph:
Or alternatively, admit that full employment is no longer plausible, so we will build a strong social contract -- of training, guaranteed income, health care -- for those discarded from the workforce. Let's have the debate -- for the one choice that is socially ruinous is the one we seem to be drifting towards -- mass unemployment without a safety net.