Obama: An inept, amateurish failure
By DOUG THOMPSONLike an increasing number of Americans, I’m sick and tired of the ineptitude of Barack Hussein Obama.
I’m sick of his lies. I’m sick of his inability to do his job. I’m sick of his abandonment of virtually all of the promises he issued with so much gusto during the 2008 election.
I’m mad at myself for ever — even for a cybersecond — buying into the snake oil illusions of this morally corrupt, intellectually-dishonest bastard.
As a President, Obama is a monumental failure. As a human being, he is devoid of morality, honesty or ability to accept responsibility for his actions.
He’s living proof that affirmative action can — and does — fail to work, even at the highest levels of government.
What — in retrospect — drove this nation to put such an inexperienced moron into the highest office in the land? A first-term Senator? A product of the Chicago Democratic machine? What the hell were we thinking?
True, we didn’t have much choice when it came to the Presidential pool in 2008. When it came to choosing between Obama or McCain, American voters felt like a Christian Scientist with appendicitis.
But Obama could go down as one of the worst Presidents in American history — an amatuer so incapable of handling the job that even George W. Bush — the man Obama blames for all his failtures — comes out looking like a more capable President.
Even Democrats privately call Obama an amateur. In the House and Senate chambers, they whisper and laugh at his many mistakes and realize that they — like too many others in Americans — were had by a con man.
Nineteen months into his administration of mishap, missteps and mistakes, Obama continues to spout the same verbal mantra: It’s not my fault. George W. Bush did it all. I just inherited the mess.
George W. Bush did not orchestrate a budget-busting, lobbyist-crafted phony health care reform bill that will do nothing to provide affordable medical care to Americans who need it most.
George W. Bush did not expand the Afghan war into another Vietnam-style morass.
Bush made a ton of mistakes and his administration put this nation into one hell of a mess but Obama has done nothing to turn the country around. His inability to build the coalitions he promised as a candidate has deepened the gridlock in government and deepened the economic mess.
Polls show Americans no longer buy into Obama’s “it’s all Bush’s fault” whines. They want action, not excuses. They want a leader, not an equivocator.
At this critical time, America needs a leader.
Barack Hussein Obama ain’t one.
He’s just another political hack elected to a job he can’t handle and was never qualified to do in the first place.
And we’re the idiots who continue to put these failures into office.
Doug Thompson.