Originally Posted by SkyHawk
Obama: An inept, amateurish failure

George W. Bush did not orchestrate a budget-busting, lobbyist-crafted phony health care reform bill that will do nothing to provide affordable medical care to Americans who need it most.
Doug Thompson.


Link? Here is mine....

WASHINGTON, April 7, 2010 -- “Rather than asking whether the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) does everything to improve access and lower costs, we should ask how it compares with the status quo,” the American College of Physicians’ (ACP) senior public policy adviser said in a paper published online today in Annals of Internal Medicine, the flagship journal of ACP. “By this measure, the PPACA is an extraordinary achievement.”
American College of Physicians

There are many problems that we face in our health care system. One of the key problems is the idea the idea that insurance should be optional. You can imagine what would happen to the cost of home insurance if it was totally optional... and people only bought insurance when they needed to make a claim. A key requirement for affordable insurance is the need to have everyone covered... which is aproblem thie bill mostly addresses.... and is why in the future we will not need to worry about being refused for coverage because of pre-existing conditions

By the way, Doug.... what George Bush did orchestrate was adrug coverage plan the forbid the government from negotiating lower prices with drug companies.... I guess that is what you mean when you say "George W. Bush did not orchestrate a budget-busting, lobbyist-crafted phony health care reform bill".... Yeah right, Lobbyists had nothing to do with the fact that price negotiation is prohibited....

Last edited by Ardy; 08/04/10 02:42 AM.

"It's not a lie if you believe it." -- George Costanza
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. --Bertrand Russel