The sequel in this fair and balanced editorial seems to be writing itself out there on the innertubes.
It's aptly named "George W. Bush...miss me yet?"

But I'm not buying it, not for a penny.
Barack Obama is causing me to rack up some serious buyer's remorse but in my book George W. Bush is still George W. Bush.
He's not looking better, not by comparison, not by any stretch.
It's just that President Obama has failed to leverage any of the political capital that swept him into office.

An inept driver doesn't make the drunk driver who just went wobbling by a few minutes ago look any better.
If that were the case there would be very few DUI arrests because there's no shortage of numb nut drivers on the road today.

I don't know what the payoff is for a rehabbed George W. Bush, aside from maybe better speaking fees.

And when you add up all the baggage from President Bush's support structure, the Republican Party, you're forced to remember exactly what it was that sent you screaming into the night the first time around.

Obama lacks the support structure that currently enables Republicans to earn tackle football hits and injuries in a touch football match.

Truly, if the Dems had twenty more folks like Alan Grayson, Al Franken and Anthony Weiner, they could rule the world.
But this doesn't excuse President Obama's lack of ability in getting tough when it's called for.

Pondering it All might have hit the nail right on the head with his assessment of McCain. There's just that one thing that kept a lot of people from voting for him. It's something which reflects on his ability to make wise choices, it's SARAH PALIN.
But President Obama cannot rely on the excuse that Republicans are "filibustering America".
That explains much but excuses little.
It's the president's duty to interpret the actions of the GOP minority for what it is, and explain to the American people what's going on.

The GOP has simply been the master of their message.
Obama and the Dems have failed miserably in this regard.
And that's why some of us are tempted to take another wistful look at the good old days of George W. Bush.

I have the cure for that.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD