Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
Try as I may, I just don't see the "massive problems" you tell us we have, 1979 was at least as bad a

During the crash of 2008, people rated it as the most severe economic crisis since the great depression... And, I have to say that my memory of the 1979 ere is that there was no concern that the entire world economic system would collapse. No big banks on the verge of failure, no imminent collapse of GM and Chrysler. No Failure of the worlds largest insurance company. And, importantly, we still had a manufacturing base... so that when demand did pick up, there would be jobs making products here in the USA.

But still, taking 1979 as a baseline for comparison with 2009 ....Here is the subsequent performance from 1979....

1979 5.9
1980 7.2
1981 7.6
1982 9.7
1983 9.6

GNP growth
1979 2.5
1980 -0.5
1981 1.8
1982 -2.2
1983 3.9

And your point is that this is so much more admirable than Obama has achieved in 18 months?

It just seems to me that people's expectations have shifted for Obama.... not to mention the rose colored glasses used to view past performances

Last edited by Ardy; 08/05/10 03:26 PM.

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