Originally Posted by numan
Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
The power of the Presidency is the bully pulpit that comes with the office. In the end America wants to support every President until the President no longer deserves their support. Usually, when a President loses public support, his policies are so unpopular that the bully pulpit just doesn't work anymore. Obama had a chance to actually make a difference, but he refused to.
Reality check: The American people did and does support Obama. His party has comfortable majorities in both houses of Congress. His program would have been expeditiously passed if it were not for the archaic insanity of the privilege to filibuster, which makes effective government in the US impossible---and marks the US as a failed state amid the developed countries of the world.

GOD am I glad you moved to Canada, you'll fit right in up there.

A proud member of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, Massachusetts Chapter

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Thomas Jefferson