NO! My point is that I am sick of people telling me what we cannot do.
One of the two major parties has earned the nickname "The Party Of No" No Insurance Reform, No financial reform. No chance they will compromise on any issue. No way they will let President Obama appear successful because that would cost them even more seats in Congress.
Show me the money. How does your party plan to achieve success?
As near as I can tell there is No plan except to prove Obama a failure in order to win elections. Unless they come up with a plan and achieve success, implement it, and make voters happy, Republican success will turn very quickly to defeat again.
I don't give a rat's ass which party puts Humpty Dumpty together again but the party of No doesn't appear focused on anything but winning elections.
The Party of No spine isn't much better but they are trying to get something done even if it is wrong.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...