Originally Posted by Ma_Republican
your choice of candidate
Yes your choice, his administration, shoved America over a cliff and then had the gall to say we have had an epiphany and have changed our ways ... give me a frigging break

The current administration has tried a weak economic stimulus based on the assumption the recession was not as deep as it apparently is/was. What economists know (gee not based on your gut feeling or your particular agenda driven politics but economic models based on mathematics) is that the policies used in the last administration will not help turn this economy around, so trying to promote out of date economic policies which historically don't work is not a solution i.e. the party which says they have solutions are actually not solutions but simply the party of "no." I am personally looking for people who may have solutions. I don't care if they are conservatives or liberals .... do they have solutions?

Now if you have information from an economist (I know it has to be a conservative from you) who has a reasonable solution which can be documented then please make him or her be known.