Originally Posted by rporter314
The current administration has tried a weak economic stimulus based on the assumption the recession was not as deep as it apparently is/was. What economists know (gee not based on your gut feeling or your particular agenda driven politics but economic models based on mathematics) is that the policies used in the last administration will not help turn this economy around, so trying to promote out of date economic policies which historically don't work is not a solution
How was almost a trillion dollar stimulus package "weak"? Why would this administration think that the recession was not as deep as it was when anyone with a functioning brain who was looking at the time at the escalating job losses, idled shipping and plants, collapsing retail sales knew that we were in a very bad and very deep recession? Is this administration made up of economic ignoramouses or were the economists unable to conjure up and inform the administration what their mathematical "models" projected for the future? What are the out-of-date policies unsuccessfully used in the past that did not work? Just curious.:-)

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