Originally Posted by rporter314
gee I dunno ...
So far, we are in agreement.:-)

maybe you have ignored the American political process but here it is ... when partisanship reigns supreme make the weakest shittiest laws possible then allow those on the sidelines (such as yourself)to make all kinds of incredulous accusations as if they were legitimate criticisms.
So, you are saying that you and the other party faithful support the making of "the weakest, shittiest laws possible", but I and others who refuse to do so are somehow expected to be quiet because the legislation you refer to as "weakest shittiest" should be above criticism? How odd.:-)

Supply side economics: every analysis I have done on the raw data has not shown any of the advantages proclaimed by conservative politicians, in fact I believe just recently several Reagan economic advisers have stated a policy such as continuation of tax cuts will not be beneficial in the current state of the economy
So, it is supply-side theory that your are referring to -- otherwise known as Republican Keynesianism. Since the promoting of this government economic policy we have had a combination of marginal tax decreases marginal tax increases, capital gains decreases, continuous spending increases, accelerated tax recovery schemes, rejected tax recovery schemes, special tax increases, special tax 'loophole' eliminations, etc. In other words, we have engaged in the same continuous Keynesian government policies in one fashion or another since the fellow first said "yes" before he later said "no".

Personally I believe the beast (the economy) has evolved and the economists have not caught up yet in their understanding of it

eco 101 .... really
An interesting fantasy -- well, maybe not so interesting. But, beware going beyond eco 101 -- the chances of recovery can be slim.
P.s. Care to take a shot at the rest of my concerns relative to your prior post? "How was almost a trillion dollar stimulus package "weak"? Why would this administration think that the recession was not as deep as it was when anyone with a functioning brain who was looking at the time at the escalating job losses, idled shipping and plants, collapsing retail sales knew that we were in a very bad and very deep recession? Is this administration made up of economic ignoramouses or were the economists unable to conjure up and inform the administration what their mathematical "models" projected for the future? What are the out-of-date policies unsuccessfully used in the past that did not work? Just curious.:-)"

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos