I just watched "8: The Mormon Proposition.

I came here wanting to add to my previous thread but for some reason I could not add to that thread (I'm sure it's my fault) However, I couldn't do it. I am angry. I am pissed. I just watched "8: The Mormon Proposition" - it is really all I need. I knew that the Mormons presided over the hateful proposition, however, I didn't know how fully they had done so.

It doesn't matter, ultimately. I have given up trying to think that most people support me. I have given up trying to convince those who don't. I really don't care anymore.

If you think for one second that denying gays the right to marry will change anything - you are absurdly wrong. If you think I care for one second - even half a second,care what you think. You are wrong. Think that your opinion means anything to me - you are wrong. I AM an EQUAL citizen of these United States - and I have, frankly, stopped caring about your OPINION

This is not directed to anyone here - but I have been driven, to not care anymore - accuse ME of intolerance - I welcome that debate. I am not focusing on anyone here on RR - I'm just pissed and I don't know what to do with it. I've already responded to one person over on Amazon - another = clearly white heterosexual male - who feels some justification for his clear hatred of gay people. In all honesty, I don't care what people think.

That is not Persecution, this is not hatred. I just don't care. If I am legally permitted to get married to some man I may love - or not - I want people to say "who gives a s***" like they do now with straight marriages.

It's not complicated. AND I'm not interested in other opinions anymore. You want some god to tell you what is right? I don't respect your opinion - what do YOU think?

Do not drag me into your struggle, I am gay. That is your starting point.

Love (sincerely)


We are constantly invited to be who we are. Henry David Thoreau