Originally Posted by Chuck Howard
Originally Posted by issodhos
P.s. Care to take a shot at the rest of my concerns relative to your prior post? "How was almost a trillion dollar stimulus package "weak"?

You aren't the least bit interested in anyone "taking a shot" at your concerns. You dismissed the answer to your question by broadbrushing it with empty political labels (yeah, throw around the word "left"; that helps ;rolleyes:). And then you whine that no one is taking your questions seriously. Gimme a break. Irked is right to treat your comments with the sarcasm they deserve.
I too enjoy Irked's posts, Chuck, but one does have to pay attention to them to be sure he is doing the apples-to-apples thingie. For instance, in this one he erroneously uses "not throw wealth" in place of the more accurate "not throw more wealth". See the difference?;-)

Last edited by issodhos; 08/07/10 09:12 PM. Reason: grammar

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos