Jeffro and Julia, why don't you do what I did: secede from the corrupt, archaic, counter-productive polity known as the United States of America?

Long before I came to Canada, ever since the Vietnam War, I have not been a United Statesian; I lived below the radar of its evil rulers: I took as much as I could from it and gave back as little as I could. That is the only respect in which I resemble the Military-Industrial Complex.

Listen up, Issodhos. You think you are a champion of Individual Rights? Well, I am my own nation: I refuse loyalty to anything other than Truth and Beauty. The United States of America does not exist for me: I either go through it, or around it.

I and my kind are burrowing through the structure of patriotic folly, destroying it from within. Between the folly of the American ruling class and their determination to commit suicide, and the disgust of people like me, who have given up on the nonsense of Americanism, I don't think the USA, in its present form, will last much longer (thank goodness!).