Originally Posted by Jeffro
.... my, seemingly paranoid, thoughts about the Mormon church, their anti-gay stance and hatred were confirmed.


Someone needs to do a Public Service Announcement about drinking and posting.
Wrong, Jeffro. Sometimes the very best times to post is exactly then. (sometimes)
I'm glad you did.
I have had a challenging morning moving from one event to another, needing to stay very focused on each one.
Your pain and anger was with me the whole time though.
In between I have shed buckets of tears for you.

The Mormon church and like minded cults also have very high rates of rape and incest.
What paranoia?

I cannot tell you how very sorry I am for what they have done to you.
Please don't give up though, my friend.

I can relate to the age/mortality thing too and I'm a lot older than you.

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...it's about learning how to dance in the rain."