This thread needs to be brought roaring back thanks to the latest news from the Fed.

The Federal Reserve has finally answered several of my burning questions, chief among which, "why are they now secreting the M3
figures after 90 plus years of publishing them out in the open?"

Looks like my suspicions as to why have been confirmed.
The Fed made the M3 figures secret because they didn't want anyone to know how much extra they were printing, but now it doesn't matter anymore, because the Fed has decided
to turn the United States into Weimar Germany.

Fed Begins Massive Monetization of U.S. Government Debt

During the Ford administration we had those stupid WIN buttons
(whip inflation now) and that was when inflation was at 21 percent and the economy was shrinking at a 6% per annum rate as a result.
When this effort is even partially implemented (let’s say – just 20% of the National debt), it will lead to inflation of the order of 60-80%.

The monetization of the US Debt is in fact the single most important and dangerous act ever committed by a Government Agency. It will lead, through the necessary printing of unsecured currency (or Reserve Notes – which in fact are a form of unsecured debt themselves) to hyperinflation which will lead to the destruction of the economic foundations of this nation. This is the beginning of the end. Once this step is taken (something which every Fed Chairman in history – including Bernaenke – the current Chairman, has said should NEVER, EVER be done), we will have effectively started us on the same path as the Weimer Republic.

Anyone remember where that led?

Oh yeah, don't forget to blame Obama for this! ROTFMOL

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