An excellent reflection of the views held by the people who desperately want to "Take Back Their Nation"
And probably will in the November elections.
For the moment they have my blessings. When they have their nation back and fail miserably to solve any of the problems, from immigration to the economy, from the faltering job market to the national budget and deficit, they will be greeted by my curses and once again in fairly short order will completely lose whatever respect the American people had for Teabagging Republican Morans.
The problem lies in Revolution.
As Pierre Vergniaud said, before he was guillotined:
"Citoyens, il est à craindre que la révolution, comme Saturne, ne dévore successivement tous ses enfants et n’engendre enfin le despotisme avec les calamités que l’accompagnent."---
There is reason to fear that the Revolution, like Saturn, might devour in turn each one of her children, and, at last, give birth to despotism, with the calamities which accompany it.The origin of America's troubles is the Terrorist Insurrection which is called the American Revolution. If not for that, we would be sitting in British North America, sipping tea, under a boring
and effective parliamentary system, like Canada. We would have conservative, regulated banks and financial institutions, proper medical insurance, and a reasonably effective social safety-net.
The American Revolution ate its children much more slowly than the French or Bolshevik Revolutions, but the end result is much the same.
The Tea Partiers prove that the dog returns to its vomit, though with leaders who entirely lack the culture and intelligence of the Insurrectionists of 1776.