Let's see:

the 2000 estimated gay and lesbian population in Los Angeles County would be 203,771 persons age 18 and over.


Note: El Lay county is 4061 square miles

City of San Francisco is the #1 city in the United States with the largest percentage
population of gays.


Note: San Francisco is only 49 square miles - yep 49!

(...and according to the linky dink - El Lay wasn't even in the top 10 [Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com] )
  • San Francisco! [Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]
  • Who's your daddy? San Francisco! [Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]
  • Beat El Lay, San Francisco![Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]
[Linked Image from i48.photobucket.com]

Contrarian, extraordinaire