Hatred? Really? I've seen considerable derision, tons of disbelief that anyone in her line of work could be as ignorant as she seems, mounds of astonishment that she attracts the level of attention that she attracts, and downright consternation that there are so many people in this country who will over look her many shortcomings to be enthralled by her. But hatred? Nope. Your inner feelings are showing, Iss. It has indeed been fun to watch you bear bare [guess Mama Grizzly got to my subliminal mind] your soul to us by imputing to others the feelings you carry inside you. Keep sharing. You divulge very great potential to reach Palinesque levels. But don't confuse our pity for hate.
Oh no! When a member of the modern 'liberal' movement and a follower of the Dem Party lacks any other response, cocktail paper psychology rears its ludicrous head -- or is it simply remnants of 80's style psyc 101?
By the way, you missed a key part of my statement, loganrbt -- the part about the hatred
beginning within days of her selection when little to nothing was known about her. That was the revealing part. Unfortunately, that is understandable because political operatives are quite good at detecting a serious political threat and getting it out to the party hacks and ideologues. Perhaps if her family had been left alone early on ... Or perhaps if the criticism of her by modern libs (loyal carriers of the now hypocritical and withering feminist movement) of being a bad mother for running for public office with a newly born, learning-disabled child had not been used against her. Oh well, one simply has to consider the source, I guess. You betcha!:-)
Yours in almost constant patience,