I'm wondering if the problem with the democratic party is it that it can't get it's freak on. Nancy Pelosi? Harry Reid?
If the Democratic party hopes to come out in a big way it's gotta start registering with peoples fun patch. Much like whats going on now in the other side of the aisle.
Left wing radio doesn't succeed. My guess is that it couldn't deliver the oration that hit's people in the loins. It's got no mojo for it's target audience. Whereas John Stewart is high in the ratings for lefties and coincidently wins a sexy guy survey.
Forget the message and look at how it's being said for a minute. All the Huey Long's and Elvis are in the republican theater.
Gotta admire the passion coming from the conservative side thru all the various outlets. Now the've got a MILF to malimprint with.
The last successfull two term Democratic president was Bill Clinton. Blowing away on a sax. Salacious romps in Little Rock hotels. He raised the hacles on the GOP and conservatives as though he was a red ass baboon that arrived on the seen sporting bigger genitalia than they had. Look what the conservatives focused. A stain on a dress. Hmmm..... Nothing gets a conservative more uncomfortable than sex overtly displayed. They went after his balls like male squirrels do to one another in springtime. Trying to castrate him on the Whitehouse lawn. Ken Star with his foot on his chest and Newt manically trying to get his belt undone.
But channel a conservatives' repressed sexuality in a political way and you get some mighty good radio and TV.
Democrats got no game. Republicans got it going on. Democrats need to be seen as virile and get back to their rock and roll roots. Your not going to win over the crowd by reasoned philosophy. It doesn't sell tickets like a Mariah Carey concert.