Originally Posted by Ardy
So Sarah Palin was attacked soon after her nomination.... I guess I would think that to be more remarkable if that scenario was at variance with long standing tradition.


What I find remarkable is that in the case of Ms Palin, this normal course of events was characterized as hatred. I think Ms Palin was no more hated than Dan Quayle... who was also skewered for being a light weight.
Goodness, Ardy, there is a difference between routine initial political attack and the initial personal attack Palin was subjected to. But, perhaps my less biased eye saw what was clouded to those with a more self-serving party need.

And why all the concern with my borrowing the "H" word from the US left and its modern liberal sychophants? Though "hate" "hater" and "hateful" is a favorite among the more or less left-dressing crowd, it is not owned by them.;-)

"When all has been said that can be said, and all has been done that can be done, there will be poetry";-) -- Issodhos